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The safety of scaffolding has always been a difficult problem in construction. Several safety accidents of scaffolding collapse occur every year. How to improve the safety of scaffolding and ensure the construction safety of scaffolding? Here are some opinions based on the management experience of Japanese scaffolding. At present, there are more than 10 million tons of scaffolding steel pipes in China, of which 90% are inferior, overdue and unqualified. The total number of fasteners is about 1.0-1.2 billion, and the qualified rate is zero. Components have become hidden dangers of construction safety. It is impossible to complete the renovation work in a short time. In recent years, due to the chaotic construction and leasing market, the illegal activities of producing and selling inferior steel pipes and fasteners have become prominent. A large number of unqualified steel pipes and fasteners have flowed into the construction site, together with the irregular use of construction units, which seriously endangers the safety of construction. Recently, the Ministry of Construction, the State Administration of Quality Supervision and Inspection, and the State Administration of Industry and Commerce jointly issued the Notice on the Special Regulation of Steel Pipes and Fasteners for Construction, requesting that the situation of inferior construction steel pipes and fasteners for production, sale, leasing and use be significantly reversed through this special regulation. 一、大力开发新型门式脚手架是解决施工安全的重要保证

1. Vigorously developing new scaffolding is an important guarantee for solving construction safety


In Japan, fastener-type steel tube scaffolding has been widely used in the 1950s. By the mid-1950s, the application of fastener-type steel tube scaffolding has dominated. As casualties continue to occur, it is reported that the number of casualties in one year has reached 2856. Therefore, the safety of scaffolding has attracted great attention from relevant government departments.


In the early 1960s, because the portal scaffolding was easy to assemble and disassemble, good load-bearing performance, safe and reliable, especially the Ministry of Labor made provisions for the safe use of scaffolding, portal scaffolding began to be widely used in engineering. In the early 1970s, with the increasing number of super high-rise buildings in Japan and the widespread development of scaffolding leasing business, the application of portal scaffolding increased rapidly and has become the leading scaffolding.


At present, Japan has also developed and studied H-type, folding type, bowl-button type, disc type, Jack type, slot type and other types of scaffolding. Because of the poor safety of fastener-type steel pipe scaffolding, it has been rarely used in construction projects.


In the early 1960s, fastener-type steel tubular scaffolding was applied in China. Because of its flexible assembly and disassembly, convenient handling, strong versatility and low price, it is widely used in China. Its usage accounts for more than 60%, and it is the most widely used scaffolding at present. However, the biggest weakness of this scaffold is its poor safety and low construction efficiency. With the emergence of a large number of modern large-scale building systems in China, such scaffolding can not meet the needs of construction development. Therefore, it is urgent to vigorously develop and promote the application of new scaffolding. Practice has proved that the new scaffolding is not only safe and reliable in construction, fast in installation and disassembly, but also can reduce the amount of steel used in scaffolding by about 33%, increase the efficiency of installation and disassembly by more than 8-10 times, reduce the construction cost significantly, and make the construction site civilized and clean. In the early 1980s, China introduced many types of scaffolds, such as portal scaffolding, bowl-buckled scaffolding and so on. Portal scaffolding has been widely used in many domestic projects and achieved good results. However, portal scaffolding has not been widely promoted and applied, and many production plants of portal scaffolding have closed or changed their production. At present, there are a small number of domestic gantry scaffolding manufacturers, most of their products are processed according to foreign maps and exported to foreign countries. Bowl-buckle scaffolding is a new type of scaffolding, which is the most widely used scaffolding, but it is not widely used. It is only widely used in some areas and some projects in China. However, in recent years, most of the bowl-buckle scaffolding in our domestic market are non-standard products produced in Hebei area, and construction accidents are successive, which is deeply worrying. Now there is a newly developed straight insertion double self-locking multi-functional steel tube scaffolding on the domestic market, which is very advanced and can adapt to the application of various kinds of scaffolding assembly and support system. Therefore, vigorously developing and popularizing the application of new straight inserting double self-locking scaffolding, gradually replacing the less safe fastener-type, door-type and bowl-type scaffolding, is an important guarantee to solve the construction safety of scaffolding.

  国内现货脚手架市场正逐步走向淡季有下跌隐患脚手架市场稳中有跌。目前,国内现货脚手架市场正逐步走向淡季,期间虽价格波动起伏,但整体仍处下行态势。近日脚手架价格连续阴跌,截至上 周五,全国主要市场主流规格普脚手架平均价格为4030元/吨,一周下跌12元,后…
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