













  无锡脚手架将维持震荡偏弱格局厂家开始降价出货…本周无锡脚手架行情回顾:据悉,上周五期螺夜盘震荡走低,商家情绪略有下降,周末市场成交普遍较弱。周初开市,期螺继续走低,在没有明显利好支撑的情况 下,脚手架厂家开始降价出货,部分则保持观望。此后,期货…

脚手架市场价格继续下跌为主,今日唐山小窄带价格开盘较昨持稳,主流报3680元/吨,整体市场出货困难,厂家为求出货,累降30,降后整体市场成交 量偏弱,只有及个别厂家出清日产,昨日唐山地区钢坯价格回落,今日期货市场低位震荡,整体成品材市场价格走低,脚手架厂家多为谨慎观望。综合来看,受上游钢坯与 下游脚手架厂家的共同影响,下游脚手架厂家心态谨慎,拿货积极性不高,造成小窄带市场走货偏弱;唐山355脚手架主流较昨降40,中宽带较昨降40,现货市场报价较为混 乱,实际成交寥寥无几,期螺跌势难止,脚手架厂家操作情绪不高,多观望为主。目前现货报价混乱,下游需求暂无动静。昨九月限产意见稿出台,限产力度不及预期且低 于之前水平,加上中美贸易战博弈剧烈,钢贸商心态愈加不稳。华东华南地区今日脚手架价格依然走弱,华东地区,今日市场成交总体一般,脚手架厂家反馈市场价格下跌 过快,下游买涨不买跌,交投氛围十分冷清。目前本地社会库存不高,但在成交没有好转的情况下,价格难以反弹。华南地区,脚手架厂家维持观望心态,操作上多随行就 市,虽市场倒挂现象依旧存在,但下游从北方订货意愿不强,出库大于入库,故整体库存压力不算太大。目前当地酸洗卷代替脚手架较严重,加之整体拿货积极性不 高,市场需求释放跟进有限。综合来看,明日国内脚手架价格或将弱势运行为主。

The price of square tube market continues to fall mainly. Today's small narrow band price in Tangshan is more stable than yesterday's. The mainstream price is 3680 yuan/ton. It's difficult for the whole market to deliver goods. The manufacturer has declined by 30% in order to get the goods out. After the decline, the volume of the whole market is weaker. Only individual manufacturer has cleared the daily production. Yesterday's billet price in Tangshan area has fallen back. Today's futures market Low-level shocks, the overall product market prices fell, square tube manufacturers are more cautious wait-and-see. Generally speaking, due to the joint influence of upstream billet and downstream square pipe manufacturers, the downstream square pipe manufacturers are cautious and have low enthusiasm for taking goods, which results in the weakness of the small narrow-band market; the mainstream of Tangshan 355 square pipe fell by 40% compared with yesterday, the broadband dropped by 40% compared with yesterday, the spot market quotation is more confused, the actual transaction is scarce, and the snail drop is difficult. To stop, the square tube manufacturer operation mood is not high, mainly wait-and-see. At present, the spot quotation is chaotic, and the downstream demand is not moving. Last September, the draft opinions on production restriction were issued, which was less than expected and lower than the previous level. With the fierce trade war between China and the United States, the mentality of steel traders has become increasingly unstable. In East China and South China, the square-controlled price is still weakening today. In East China, the market turnover is generally normal today. Traders feedback that the market price has fallen too fast, downstream buying is not buying and selling, and the trading atmosphere is very cold. At present, the local social stock is not high, but in the case of no improvement in transaction, the price is difficult to rebound. In South China, square managed manufacturers maintain a wait-and-see mentality and follow the market in operation. Although the phenomenon of market upside-down still exists, the downstream ordering intention from the north is not strong, and the outgoing warehouse is larger than the warehousing, so the overall inventory pressure is not too large. At present, the local pickling roll replaces the square pipe seriously, and the overall enthusiasm for picking up goods is not high, so the follow-up of market demand release is limited. In a word, the domestic government will mainly control the price tomorrow or give priority to the weak operation. 价格方面:唐山热轧脚手架(2.5*355mm)唐山瑞丰3660较昨降40;天津热轧脚手架 4.0*(480-570)天津荣钢送到大邱庄价3745较上昨日降20;无锡热轧脚手架(2.5*355mm)中天3800较昨日降60,莱芜热轧脚手架 2.5*(232-355)莱钢3740较昨日降20,唐山热轧小窄带报3650较昨降30。

  怎样区别脚手架材质?脚手架的生产方法?1、脚手架的概念:脚手架是钢锭、钢坯或脚手架通过压力加工制成我们所需要的各种形状、尺寸和性能的材料。 脚手架是国家建设和实现四化必不可少的重要物资,应用广泛、品种繁多,根据断面形状的不同、脚手架一般分为型…
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