In fact, galvanized square tubes in the process of production, most of my friends are not particularly aware of their production process, and can not see whether they have some floating rust, so how to distinguish whether these galvanized square tubes can rust, in fact, we must master a series of methods. At present, these galvanized square tubes in the actual production process, there will be some of their own ways and methods, and they will be through a variety of different ways to carry out comprehensive processing. 也就是说,它们的表面上将有着一层毛巾,当然这些生锈的东西完全是可以被抹掉的,而且这也算是正常的状态,不过如果这些生锈的时间年代比较久远的话,失望也经过了风吹日晒,那么生锈的脚手架上将有着大大小小的麻坑,这样,将会产生更多的生锈的情况,所以说,这些浮锈的地方基本上也是要注意的,就这样才能够合理的进行处理。
That is to say, they will have a layer of towels on their surface, of course, these rusty things can be erased completely, and this is a normal state, but if these rusty time is relatively long, disappointment also through the wind and sunshine, then the rusty square pipe will have pits of large and small, so that will produce more rusty situation. So, these floating rust areas should be paid attention to basically, so that they can be dealt with reasonably.
广州脚手架价格或盘整趋弱运行市场出货趋弱广州市场脚手架价格趋弱调整。期螺弱势震荡尾盘小幅回拉,原材料方面现昌黎普碳方坯含税出厂3590跌10。今日广州脚手架市场出货趋 弱,本周当地库存消化速度环比上周明显放缓,市场脚手架厂家迫于出货压力相继下调价格…