包头脚手架市场累跌10-80左右,今晨钢坯价格稳,脚手架市场价格周末累跌10-80左右,部分缺货规格到货跌幅200左右,受期螺震荡提振 影响,市场心态观望气氛浓,据了解市场部分缺货缺货规格资源少,预计亚新厂近日出线材成品,脚手架市场价格趋于稳定,由于脚手架市场上外地品牌资源相对到货,冲击了本地脚手架市场的价格,大部分商户优惠操作去库存,报价均向下调整。今日大户成交弱,市场需求相对较弱,午后钢坯跌20元,现普碳方坯含税出厂3480,成本小幅 下调。因此预计明日包头脚手架市场价格稳或窄幅震荡。
Baotou Fangguan market has fallen by about 10-80, slab prices have been stable this morning, Fangguan market prices have fallen by about 10-80 over the weekend, and some of the shortage specifications have fallen by about 200. Affected by the concussion of snails, the market mentality is strong. It is known that some of the shortage specifications in the market have few resources. It is expected that Yaxin factory will produce wire products in the near future, and the market price will stabilize due to Fangguan market. Relative arrival of foreign brand resources has impacted the local market price. Most merchants operate preferential to inventory, and the quotation is adjusted downward. Today's large-scale transactions are weak, the market demand is relatively weak, the afternoon billet fell 20 yuan, now ordinary carbon billet with tax 3480 factory, cost slightly reduced. Therefore, Baotou is expected to see stable or narrow fluctuations in market prices tomorrow.
脚手架价格方面,现包头市场上包钢产Ф6.5mm高线市场价格为4300元,跌160元;三 级E标螺纹钢方面,包钢产Ф12-14mm小螺纹市场价格为4140元,跌60元;包钢产Ф20-25mm大螺纹市场价格为4000元,跌60元;包钢产 Ф8mm盘螺市场价格为4200元,跌250元。河钢产Ф12-14mm小螺纹市场价格为4360元,跌30元;河钢产Ф20-22mm大螺纹市场价格为 4290元,跌30元。
As for square pipe price, the market price of Baotou Steel's 6.5mm high-speed wire is 4300 yuan, down 160 yuan; the market price of Baotou Steel's_12-14mm small thread is 4140 yuan, down 60 yuan; the market price of Baotou Steel's_20-25mm large thread is 4000 yuan, down 60 yuan; and the market price of Baotou Steel's_8mm screw is 4200 yuan, down 250 yuan. The market price of 12-14mm small threads produced by Hegang was 4360 yuan, down 30 yuan; the market price of 20-22mm large threads produced by Hegang was 4290 yuan, down 30 yuan.