The market price of Wuxi Fangguan fell 50 yuan compared with the same period last week. Affected by the escalation of Sino-US trade war, Wuxi's local control price has been lowered, and the shipment volume has been maintained at about 1500 tons. Some traders with export trade have been affected to a certain extent in their export business. As of May 10, Shandong 108*4.5 quoted 4600 yuan; Xingya 38*3.5 quoted 5600 yuan; China Resources 108*4.5 quoted 5050 yuan; Tianhuai 426*11 quoted 5300 yuan. The price of Wuxi Fangguan is 50 yuan lower than last week. 本周管厂、管坯价格双双下跌。无锡地区大户贸易商有固定客户,其出货量还维持在1500吨左右的水平,受贸易战影响不大,小户贸易商没有固定资源,出货量偏差,心态偏谨慎,对后市不看好,贸易商基本以走量为主,短期内无锡脚手架市场偏弱运行。
Pipe factory and billet prices both fell this week. Large traders in Wuxi have fixed customers and their shipments remain at the level of about 1500 tons, which is not affected by the trade war. Small traders have no fixed resources, deviations in shipments, a cautious attitude, and are not optimistic about the future market. Traders basically take the lead in volume. In the short run, Wuxi Fangguan market is weak.
脚手架市场价格稳中有降厂家心态依旧偏弱脚手架市场价格稳中有降。主导市场,北京、天津、上海、广州均出现下降。期螺夜盘保持了高位走势,不过早盘在多头强势发力后开始走弱, 消息面没有新的利好支撑,盘面走势不佳,所以今日开市,市场价格稳中有降。午后…