In the portal scaffolding industry, portal scaffolding is one of the most widely used and popular. What is the standard condition of portal scaffolds? Acceptance is indispensable after erection, which is a very important one. Otherwise, unreliable mobile scaffolding erection may cause personal and property losses, but also need to be extra careful to avoid as far as possible. Scaffolds with height below 20m and 20m shall be inspected and checked by the technical safety personnel in charge of the unit project; scaffolds with height above 20m shall be inspected and checked by the technical personnel in charge of the unit project and relevant technical safety personnel in stages according to the progress of the project. 门式脚手架验收时应具备下列文件:必要的施工设计文件及组装图;脚手架部件的出厂合格证或质量分级合格标志;脚手架工程的施工记录及质量检查记录;移动脚手架搭设的重大问题及处理记录;移动脚手架工程的施工验收报告。
When accepting portal scaffolding, the following documents should be provided: necessary construction design documents and assembly drawings; manufacturer's qualification certificate of scaffolding components or quality grading qualification marks; construction records and quality inspection records of scaffolding projects; major problems and treatment records of scaffolding erection; construction acceptance reports of scaffolding projects.
In addition to checking relevant documents, the acceptance of portal scaffold works should be carried out on-site spot checks.
Spot check should focus on the following items, and record the construction acceptance report: whether the rods of safety measures are complete, whether fasteners are tightened and qualified; whether the safety net and handrails are set up completely; whether the foundation is smooth and solid; whether the connecting rods are set up missing, whether they are complete and meet the requirements; whether the vertical and horizontal degrees are in line with the requirements; Ge.
Level of portal scaffolding: The vertical horizontal deviation of the bottom scaffolding along the wall should be L/600 (L is the length of the scaffolding). The allowable deviation of scaffolding dimensions: the vertical deviation of scaffolding: the vertical deviation of scaffolding along the wall should be H/400 (H is scaffolding height) and 50mm; the horizontal vertical deviation of scaffolding should be H/600 and 50mm; the vertical and horizontal deviation of each scaffold should be ho/600 (h2 is the height of the scaffold).
At present, the standard of portal scaffolding has certain regulations in our country. Most of the companies that produce, sell or rent scaffolding regularly and professionally have relevant regulations and will produce scaffolding according to relevant requirements. In the course of erection, they should also be carried out according to the norms.
脚手架市场价格稳中有升表现相对一般脚手架市场价格稳中有升。周一开盘,期货市场高位震荡,国内中板市场价格稳中有升。目前国内主导城市:邯郸武安、天津、江阴、上海、乐从等区域价格分别运行在3670、 3670、3760、3750、3950元左右。较上周同期相比,…