













  杭州脚手架价格上涨可能性较大厂家到货一般本周杭州脚手架价格出现大幅度下跌趋势。即将踏入九月初旬,下游需求持续减弱,在此影响下,杭州脚手架卷板价格弱势,脚手架厂家出货清淡,日均出货在300吨左右。期货方面,本周脚手架卷板期货 出现了明显下跌,…

本周杭州脚手架市场价格大幅下跌,截至8月30日,杭州脚手架批量成交指导价格:沙钢 Φ8-10mm高线为3990元,比上周同期降120元,中天Φ12mm三级螺纹钢为3790元,比上周同期降80元;中天Φ25mm三级螺钢为3630 元,比上涨同期降80元。永钢Φ8-10mm三级盘螺为3990元,比上涨同期降100元。周初两日,杭州脚手架厂家多次下调报 价,两日降幅在120-130,随后几日,期螺超跌反弹,吸引了一部分抄底需求,另有一些终端企业开始出现明显的低价补货和收货,市场低价成交量有所增 加,但高价成交仍然吃力,现货价格基本稳定,周五,受29日晚中美磋商消息影响,期货有一定拉涨,现货也随之上涨40,成交尚可。

This week, the market price of Hangzhou square pipe dropped sharply. As of August 30, the guiding price of Hangzhou square pipe volume transaction: Shagang 8-10mm high line was 3990 yuan, 120 yuan lower than the same period last week, Zhongtian_12mm third-class thread steel was 3790 yuan lower than the same period last week, 80 yuan lower than the same period last week; Zhongtian_25mm third-class thread steel was 3630 yuan, 80 yuan lower than the same period of increase. Yonggang 8-10mm three-stage snail is 3990 yuan, 100 yuan lower than the same period of increase. 

On the first two days of the week, Hangzhou Fangguan manufacturer lowered its quotation many times, with a decline of 120-130 in two days. Then, the snail overfall rebounded in a few days, which attracted a part of the demand for bottom-copying. Other terminal enterprises began to appear obvious low-price replenishment and receipt. The market volume of low-price transactions increased, but high-price transactions were still laborious and spot prices were still difficult. Basically stable, on Friday, affected by the news of the Sino-US consultation on the evening of the 29th, futures rose to a certain extent, spot also rose by 40, and trading was still acceptable.

供需矛盾仍然尖锐。唐山市发布《全市大气污染防治强化管控方案》初稿,较《意见稿》相比,第二阶段部分脚手架厂家限产比例上调,但整体限产力度依然较为宽松。不过在唐山环保限产等因素的影响下唐山地区的脚手架厂家的产量确实是有明显的减少,但宣钢、承钢等不受唐山限产管控的脚手架厂家仍然保持正常生产,8月29日,商务部召开 新闻发布会,宣布中美双方经贸团队一直保持有效沟通,关于9月份赴美磋商,双方正在讨论中,当前最重要的是为双方继续磋商创造必要的条件。

The contradiction between supply and demand is still acute. Tangshan City issued the preliminary draft of "Intensified Control Plan for the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution in the City". Compared with the "Opinion Draft", the proportion of production limitation increased in the second stage, but the overall capacity limitation is still relatively loose. However, under the influence of Tangshan's environmental protection and production restriction factors, the output of local managerial factories in Tangshan area has obviously decreased, but Xuan Gang, Chenggang and other local managerial factories which are not controlled by Tangshan's production restriction still maintain normal production. On August 29, the Ministry of Commerce held a press conference to announce that the economic and trade teams of China and the United States have maintained an effective ditch. Tong. As for the September consultation with the United States, the two sides are discussing. At present, the most important thing is to create the necessary conditions for the two sides to continue the consultation.


Inventory: Hangzhou square pipe inventory 797.5 million tons this week: 38.7 million tons lower than the previous overall inventory: 37.5 million tons of wire rod, 760,000 tons of threaded steel


According to statistics, the stock of billets in the main warehouse of Tangshan on the 30th day was 422,000 tons, an increase of 85,000 tons compared with last week (23 days). The stock in the main warehouse increased significantly.


Raw materials: 30:30 Changli part of the billet resources decreased by 40, now ordinary carbon billet with tax factory 3300 yuan.

近期来看,从基本面来看,本周库存处于下降通道,这也说明了本周利好消息所刺激出来的抄底需求对库存消化起到了不小的作用。不过脚手架厂家方面,后期限产力度如何 还需观望,产量方面是利好还是利空先画个问号,但中美关系有望缓和却是眼下的明显利好,或对下周行情有所支撑。故预计下周行情或窄幅调整。预计下周杭州脚手架市场价格或窄幅调整。

  短期内重庆脚手架市场价格弱势下行成交较差本周重庆脚手架市场价格小幅下调,市场成交较差。本周国内主流市场脚手架价格小幅下调,目前全国均价3919元/吨,较上个交易日价格下跌14元/吨;本周重庆市场整体价格弱势下调,成交较差, 现脚手架报价4020-4030元/吨…
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